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Cyclone and storm preparedness

This simple checklist can help you prepare for storms and cyclones.

Insurance review and documents:
□ Do you have your current insurance policy/policies on hand?
□ Take photos/video of your property and possessions before the event.  A picture is worth a thousand words. Images also can satisfy proof of ownership requirements.
□   Update your emergency contact telephone numbers (see below) 
Your property – have you:
□   Trimmed trees and removed overhanging branches?   
□  Cleared gutters and checked your roof is secure?
□   Removed all loose items around your property?
□   Run your generator and serviced it?
□   Prepared to install storm shutters or purchased tape for your windows?
Emergency kit: .
Ensure your kit is ready and includes:
□   Portable radio
□   Copy of your insurance documents, previous cyclone repair documents, photos of your property  □   Spare batteries, portable charging devices, power banks
□   First Aid kit
□   Essential medications
□   Non-perishable food and bottles of water
□   Candles, matches and torches
□   Pet food and a litter box
□   Kids’ toys
□   Other essentials
Pre-event action plan:
□   Do you have a safe room in your home? If not, have you made arrangements to go elsewhere?
□   Do you have an evacuation plan?  Remember if you leave, it may be days before you return home. Throw out perishables from your fridge and freezer before you go.
□   Have you fuelled all vehicles and have a supply of fuel on hand for your generator?
□   Have you organised storage containers for emergency water supplies?
□   Get cash — ATMs and EFTPOS facilities don’t work when there is no power
□   Are your mobile electronic devices fully charged? Do you have an external charging device?
□   Have you checked that your neighbours and family are prepared?
□   Do you know the frequency of local radio stations so you can tune in during the event? Stay inside until the event is over.  
Post-event action plan:
A few simple actions can save a lot of post-disaster heartache.     
□ Help yourself and then your neighbours.      
□   Take photos/video of your damaged property.     
□   Complete your insurer’s claim notification form.     
□   List damaged items and store non-perishables for assessment by your insurer.     
□   Try to wash down external surfaces before the storm debris dries out. Debris will wash off walls, cars and buildings with a hose while it is still wet. Once it dries, it can set like concrete.     
□   Try to use cold and frozen foods before they perish. If they can’t be saved take photos before you throw them away.     
□   Contact your insurer or broker promptly. Be mindful of the extent of your damage — people who are not dry or safe will take priority.


Record phone numbers for the following:

□  Your insurer or broker
□  SES 
□  Police 
□  Ambulance 
□  Fire 
□  Doctor 
□  Next of kin 
□  Others, eg, family, neighbours, radio stations, builder, plumber